For a brief moment, I deluded myself into believing that our elected officials might take action and help make the U.S. more self-sufficient for energy. But recent developments have snapped me back to reality.
Environmentalism is the new religion, and it has either co-opted or swept all the old Western religions aside. (The Muslim world has yet to be converted). While Christianity has been banned from the U.S. classroom (as well as a large portion of Europe) young minds can be proselytized endlessly on preserving the environment - it is actually a core curriculum topic. Rachel Carson would be shocked to learn she created a movement that is likely to eclipse communism. And in what - a mere 46 years? It took hundreds of years for Christianity to spread across Europe.
The degree that organized Christian churches have been co-opted by this movement is equally impressive: note the propaganda, er...public service message by Al Sharpton and Pat Robertson (is it me, or does Robertson seem strange - like his head is too big for his body?)
The cause of my capitulation? First, the report that environmentalists plan to prevent construction of large scale solar power installations in the Mohave desert, because the solar panels could interfere with the habitat of the kit fox and some kind of rabbit. I thought that solar was the perfection, the Holy Grail of the environmental movement. Obviously I was mistaken.
Second, while Virginia apparently has one of the largest deposits of uranium ever found, VA has a law preventing uranium mining. Efforts so far to overturn that law have been unsuccessful, and environmentalists are now portraying a uranium mine as an apocalyptic landscape; akin to the surface of planet Mercury as it orbits dangerously close to the the sun, with bubbling magma spewing toxic clouds of sulfuric acid as it bakes and cooks in an endless wave of solar flares and x-rays.
And third, Democratic Senators, lead by Chuck Shumer, proudly announced that they would continue to oppose more drilling for oil and instead support renewable sources of energy. Thus, the circle is complete: nothing gets supported unless it is renewable, but then the New Religion prevents renewables from actually being developed to preserve the little desert creatures or prevent private property owners in VA from developing their own land.
So, my advice to everyone is to purchase some land and plant trees. It will become your preferred source of fuel to heat your home. Harvest some wood at least annually and store it away, because it is only a matter of time when you won't be permitted to cut down a tree...
Environmentalism is the new religion, and it has either co-opted or swept all the old Western religions aside. (The Muslim world has yet to be converted). While Christianity has been banned from the U.S. classroom (as well as a large portion of Europe) young minds can be proselytized endlessly on preserving the environment - it is actually a core curriculum topic. Rachel Carson would be shocked to learn she created a movement that is likely to eclipse communism. And in what - a mere 46 years? It took hundreds of years for Christianity to spread across Europe.
The degree that organized Christian churches have been co-opted by this movement is equally impressive: note the propaganda, er...public service message by Al Sharpton and Pat Robertson (is it me, or does Robertson seem strange - like his head is too big for his body?)
The cause of my capitulation? First, the report that environmentalists plan to prevent construction of large scale solar power installations in the Mohave desert, because the solar panels could interfere with the habitat of the kit fox and some kind of rabbit. I thought that solar was the perfection, the Holy Grail of the environmental movement. Obviously I was mistaken.
Second, while Virginia apparently has one of the largest deposits of uranium ever found, VA has a law preventing uranium mining. Efforts so far to overturn that law have been unsuccessful, and environmentalists are now portraying a uranium mine as an apocalyptic landscape; akin to the surface of planet Mercury as it orbits dangerously close to the the sun, with bubbling magma spewing toxic clouds of sulfuric acid as it bakes and cooks in an endless wave of solar flares and x-rays.
And third, Democratic Senators, lead by Chuck Shumer, proudly announced that they would continue to oppose more drilling for oil and instead support renewable sources of energy. Thus, the circle is complete: nothing gets supported unless it is renewable, but then the New Religion prevents renewables from actually being developed to preserve the little desert creatures or prevent private property owners in VA from developing their own land.
So, my advice to everyone is to purchase some land and plant trees. It will become your preferred source of fuel to heat your home. Harvest some wood at least annually and store it away, because it is only a matter of time when you won't be permitted to cut down a tree...
I have taken your advise and recently planted some trees in my backyard. But due to the recent drought in the southeast US, and the water conservation that my local community chooses to enforce from time to time that prevents me from watering, my trees are now dead. Now what should I do? Perhaps someone can invent a way for me to burn dirt for energy; but that most likely would be overturned due to the destruction of the natural habitat of the earthworm.
Don't forget all the shale oil in the Rocky Mountains. I've read somewhere that there is up to 1 trillion gallons "stored" there. Not many people ever see the western slope of the Rockies, so pulverizing it shouldn't affect tourism. Shell Oil has the technology for this.
Unfortunately, it seems that more Congressional approval is needed to expand operations for shale. You are right about Shell, they have some (heating or freezing??) technology that frees the oil in situ. Hasn't been done yet in quantity, but at $130 per barrel one would guess it is feasible...
Gene, there is too much at stake to say energy independence is hopeless. Indeed; America, as we have known it and know it, is at stake. Each American who feels as we do must demand that our representatives, not our so-called, self-appointed leaders, (1) put the United States energy industry on a course to produce energy independence before 2020, and (2) get out of the way. If the current set of representatives cannot or will not act according to our instructions, then we must work to remove them from office and replace them with representatives who will do our bidding. The United States needs energy independence, today, more than it needed political independence in 1776. We need another group of American representatives/leaders today who will stand in the place of our Founding Fathers and work for energy indepedence. Washington did not give up at Valley Forge, and Churchill did not give up after Dunkerque. We dare not do less.